Heinz Goeddemeier Telecommunication  Engineering Consulting Services
(c) 2014-2019 Heinz Goeddemeier HGTECS
Product & Type Approval
In some cases small & medium sized companies suffer from small or no personal capacity to deal with product approvals, special homologation procedures and related processes are part of the market entrance and utilization of a new product. Having accompanied international product approval processes already, also in such cases I could be on your side to accompany you in solving this hurdle.
contact-info: info@hgtecs.com
Typical Outdoor Antenna Test Range: True Far Field Antenna Pattern & Gain Measurement  (Photo by H. Goeddemeier 2002)
Typical Indoor Antenna Test Range: Antenna Pattern & Gain Measurement  (Photo by H. Goeddemeier 2002)
Special Radiating Cable Test Tunnel: True Coupling and Radiation Loss   Measurement  (Photo by H. Goeddemeier 2002)